Solar Panel Update - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Our Solar Panel installation was completed on the 31st May and have been generating since.
The system comprises of 32 panels (12KW Total), 16 on each side of main roof, inverter, battery backup (10KW) and
with Wi-Fi connectivity for monitoring and remote access for configurations and software updates to the inverter system.

The Panels and Battery/Inverters etc. were installed by Sunlight Future from Bristol at a cost of £22800. 
The majority of this cost was funded by the LEADER programme, £12108, the remaining amounts were funded by a 
Parish Council grant of £4000, leaving £6692 to be paid from Hall funds.

The image below is the data from our monitoring application on 6th July, this shows
we were generating 4.94KW, using 1.8KW and sending 3.1KW to the grid as our battery had 
already been fully charged by the panels earlier in the day.  

The majority of the Funding as mentioned above was provided by the LEADER programme

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