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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13th April 2015

Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin Angelo Sauro Pat Sherry Bill Cullen Hilary Rogers
Pete & Sue Webb

1. Apologies
Kate Bashford Sam Allen Bryan Robinson Neil Fozard Lorraine Rutter Jane Stanbridge Martin Horner Sue Hope Steve Magrath

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes were signed as a true record.

3. Projects
Wall – Sid Green has started on the Wall but feels more work is needed higher up. He is well within budget so is going ahead.
Sound System – AS said that this has been installed and is currently in the bar but will be securely stored under the stairs in a lockable cupboard. Some training will be given. BC said all monies have been paid on this.
Kitchen – KB has spoken to Sth Glos Food Safety Officer who has given advice. S KB and BR to meet with the Officer on 20/4/15 to discuss further.
Upstairs Meeting Room – we were joined by Debbie Young, Mark Francom and Cassie and Ethan, two Youth Club members. DY distributed a “wishlist” of suggested improvements and gave a summary of how Youth Club functions. After discussions, and agreement from PW regarding Buffs property, it was decided that the eaves cupboard be cleaned out which will allow the cabinets to be moved from the room into the eaves. FS to email Mandy regarding Evergreens cupboard. MF to speak to Parish Council about their belongings and to come up with a design/colour concept for next meeting. Sue Hope has said a £750 grant will be given towards the redecoration.
Recycling PS said that the fencing and signs regarding closure will stay up for the next few months. The shed has been emptied.
CCTV – AS is getting prices. BC suggested that the proceeds from the Breakfast Raffle (£140) go towards this, which was agreed. So far we have £440 for CCTV.

4. Finance Report
The Treasurer’s Report was distributed and discussed. Net profit from Breakfast was £443. PW asked if we could reduce Direct Debit with Silveys. BC is dealing with this.
Parish Council Report – The committee is invited to attend the Annual Assembly on 20/4. AS to let BR have 2014 Committee Report. Contract for grass cutting was submitted.

5. Income
Marketing – DY told us about the HU Literature Festival (23/4) and offered to promote the Hall at the event. CR told her that KB, JS and LR are producing flyers which will be passed on to her.
Grants – money for stairlift is being looked at. £750 from SH for upstairs room.
Bookings – a team of runners want to use the Hall from 5am on 17/5. CR has referred this to Parish Council. We have bookings most weekends this month.

6. Maintenance
Meter Readings – CR has completed and distributed these.
General – the maintenance team is working through the list of jobs. Simon and Tom Kempster have also volunteered tohelp. A new bin is needed for the Rec. SW to ask if SGC can supply a suitable one.
Trees – Planning consent has been applied for, so work should be done soon.
Heating CR/FS to draft note to Hall Users regarding heating being turned off.
Pre-School – KB sent a list of questions which was discussed. CR to reply.

7. Play Area/Skatepark Report
DA checked Play Area. They have a meeting on Wednesday.

8. Risk Assessment
CR has almost finished this and will send to BR.
Deed Document – being discussed tonight at Parish Council.
Dog Sign – everyone is happy with CR’s new wording.
Emergency Checks – CR did these and they have been distributed.

9. Correspondence

10. Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 11
th May at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.45pm.

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