Feb 20 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 10th February 2020 7.45pm
Chris Rispin   Angelo Sauro     Bill Cullen   Phil Dennett   Pat Sherry   Neil Fozard     Carol Powell    Amy Barnfield    Martin Horner    Jackie Sandy    Karen Bexter   Louise Roberts   Sam Allen   Jane Stanbridge 
Vicky Rispin (taking the minutes)  
Apologies for Absence
Mandy Clark, Fiona Steeds, Kate Bashford, Hilary Rogers  
Minutes of the Last Meeting            
Carol Powell asked that her comment “…. will have funds …” should be altered to “…..may have funds…..”  The remaining minutes were agreed as a true record, and signed by the Chairman
Ÿ Play Area Grand opening planned for 23/2/20. Sue Hope has agreed to cut the ribbon. Invitation was sent to all village groups that in some way contributed to the successful building of the Play park. Everyone in the village is welcome. There will be a walk through to check final construct before the opening. Tim Watts has agreed to fund and construct a ‘Teen Shelter’.  Thanks were given to John Walker for donation of turf and for help in laying it. Jackie asked if CCTV would cover the play park - but no current plans or budget - to do so.  Dog Show and Christmas Shopping Evening booked again to raise funds for maintenance of the play area.
Ÿ Area between oil tank and Pre-school playhouse Louise and Emma Edwards have worked together to produce a planting scheme for this area. Youth Club to build a bug hotel, Hawkesbury School Gardening Club to create wig-wam pyramids for sweet peas. A memorial bench was proposed but as the site is North facing and next to the oil tank, it may not be a suitable position.  Budget available has to be discussed, money passed on from HURG and Hawkesbury Gardening Club to be used. There seems to be bindweed growing in that area which needs to be removed as soon as possible.
Ÿ Area between shed and Pre-school playhouse – development to be discussed by the Show Committee at their meeting on 11/2/20
Approx £60,000 is required to provide a number of items including a fence at the bottom of the rec. and in front of the fallen-down stone wall between the Roberts’ field and the rec. The Deeds are still lost so still do not know who owns what? A small action group is required, including the Parish Council if necessary, to work on the strategic operation of the Hall for a sustainable future.
Admin proposals:
Chris has some ideas regarding clear notices and signs at the car park entrance, wording something like, “This is a private car park……..” A list of proposed signs and wording to be circulated……………………….. Action: Chris
Succession: Kate and Jane have put out an advert on Facebook to attract new volunteers to help run the hall.
Treasurer’s Report – The true picture of the monthly accounts is distorted due to the large sums in and out mostly due to Play Park grants and payments. Bill was asked by the bank if he required a transaction history of the second bank account that had recently been closed – he replied in the affirmative
Parish Council Report - Requests for funds to cover ongoing issues e.g. resurfacing the car park, has been discussed at the Parish Council meeting and we await the outcome of the discussions.  10 Bird Cherry, Prunus padus, bare rooted saplings are to be donated by the Parish Council to Hawkesbury Hall - AS, NF and CR to meet and agree locations (Research shows that these trees can grow to 10m - 15m high so siting needs to be thought out carefully. The foliage is toxic to livestock, particularly goats and the bark emits an unpleasant, acrid odour.  Bird cherry is susceptible to bacterial cankers, which can disfigure and occasionally kill infected trees.  The plants are good for insect pollinators, ideal for hedging and grow well on chalky soil)
Bookings – Jackie is chasing late payers for hall bookings. She says wording concerning charging is confusing on the booking form. Needs clarification……………………………..……………Action Bill and Jackie
Car Parking Fees – Neil collected £14.59 this month.
Grants: Jane Stanbridge reported that no grant has been applied for since last meeting
Big Breakfast - Sunday 1st March: Adverts to go out into the March Parish News. Kate in the shop to cook the bacon, Fiona Steeds to coordinate cooking of sausages. Raffle prizes to Carol. It was noted that the mugs must all be scoured before the day as they were being put away in quite a stained condition.
VE75 celebration event - Friday 8th May: Music in the afternoon, bring own picnic, no charge for this event, organisations in the village to be asked whether they would like to have a stall outside on the grass, to add interest to the event. No-one at the meeting volunteered a stall or to run a raffle. PA system required – Barrie Hope was suggested.  Debbie Young’s father to produce a calligraphy poster to donate to the village hall. Evening event: Music and dancing in the hall, ticket price to be kept low - £10 – and looking to provide food to buy, if people want. Jane Stanbridge volunteered to co-ordinate the bar and food. Does the hall insurance cover their event? – not unless the Hall organise the event. Information about pulled pork baps to be investigated ……Action: Vicky
Hall fund raiser: Louise has booked the hall and a Gypsy Jazz group as a hall fundraiser. Bar and raffle profits to the Hall
Painting: Volunteers were asked to complete painting in the Hall
Hedge laying: Cotswolds Wardens have nearly completed the perimeter hedge trimming and laying. Thanks to Neil Fozard and the team. They require more bare rooted plants to fill in certain areas and estimate the cost to be £133.  Louise Roberts said that they may be able to apply to the Woodland Trust for trees……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……Action: Neil
RISK ASSESSMENT: Nothing to report
Pre-school – a serious incident took place earlier today where a pre-school child managed to open the child gate in the toilets’ corridor, open the rear fire door at the end of that corridor and gain access to the field. The fire door closed behind the child and they were shut out for a period of time, to be found by a member of the public and returned, safely. Parents and OFSTED have been informed. Pre-school asked for an urgent installment of alarms on the fire door at the end of the toilet corridor and the exit from the kitchen. Pre-school were prepared to pay for the alarms……………..…..Action: Angelo
Emergency/ Lighting/Fire Bells – Chris checked emergency lighting and fire bell. Play area outside light not working.
Christmas lights (“Lee’s Lights”): The lights stopped working after a few weeks – water had got in. Andy Warner organizes the putting up and taking down of the lights and he will arrange replacements
Bin collecting day - Bill received a phone call regarding changes to the day of bin collecting
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 9th March at 7.45pm 
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55pm.
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