Mar 22 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 14th March 2022
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Minutes (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Tree planting - revised PC proposal plan (Sue)
·     Methodist Hall (Andrew)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Investment/Development plan – financial summary update (Andrew)
·       Solar Power – programme update (Kate)
·       Hall refurbishment – update (Kate)
·       Storage update – phase 2 plan & parish magazine grant toward trolley rails (Vicky)
·       Hearing loop system – supplier update (Angelo)
·       Hall floor (sanding, cleaning, sealing) – grant update (Kate)
·       Energy Project – final report timescale (Angelo)   
·       Section 106 funds
·       Section 106 – Village Hall inputs/requests to village plan (Andrew)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2022 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew/Jackie)
·       Youth Group status (Jackie)
·       Jubilee live screening event (Andrew)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Chris) – arisings, key risk mitigation actions
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve) – RoSPA outstanding actions status (Kate)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·     Monthly maintenance update/ planned activities (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       AGM (March 21st) –  finalise arrangements (Andrew/Phil)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  11th April 2022 at 8.00pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
14th March  2022
PRESENT    Hilary Rogers    Phil Dennett   Angelo Sauro   Vicky Rispin   Andrew Webb    Jackie Sandy    Sally Roberts   Kate Bashford   Louise Roberts   Fiona Steeds    Bill Cullen   Sue Hope   Jane Stanbridge  (via Zoom)
APOLOGIES   Steve Magrath   Mandy Clark    Sam Allen    Chris Knight    Hannah Herod   Neil Fozard
The Minutes were agreed as a true record.
Tree planting
The revised proposal was discussed  and finalised as follows:
Area 1 – No planting to be done here.
Area 2 – Planting moved to area in corner where the shed is – two trees either side of shed.
Area 3 – Planting agreed as per original proposal.
Area 4 – to be reviewed as it is felt the suggested species is not suitable
Area 5 – hedge to be planted pending approval from the Rispins.  Sue will liaise with them.
Methodist Hall
The Methodist Church have written confirming that the Methodist Hall will close at Easter and asking if the Village Hall Committee would be prepared to buy or lease the premises.  Andrew initially consulted several Committee Members and for the following reasons it was decided to recommend to the full committee that we reject the offer.  Firstly, it does not appear to be financially viable and a lease cost would only make this worst; secondly we are not currently at full capacity with our Hall bookings so do not require additional capacity; thirdly the maintenance costs on the Methodist Hall are likely to be very high; and finally the burden of running it would fall on the present Hall Committee who already have a heavy workload.  Sue did not think the Methodist Church have approached the Parish Council and thought this might be something which could attract Section 106 monies.  Bill thought that investing in improving the Village Hall facilities might be a better option.  The Committee agreed that we should reject the offer from the Methodists.  Andrew will reply accordingly, but suggest they contact the Parish Council.
No Policies due for review this month.
Andrew presented the updated Spreadsheet with costings and details of grants received.
Solar Panels
These will be installed starting on 11th April.  Kate advised that we need to show proof of payment before we can claim the LEADER grant.  It was agreed to pay the deposit to start the work, stick with the contractor’s requested payment schedule based on 2 milestones  and make one grant claim for the full amount when complete. Our bank balance allows us to do this without incurring any cashflow issues. Kate and Bill to liaise on this. Main Hall Refurb
Kate to follow up and get firm quotes for this to replace the current estimates. The Omicron grant has been aligned to this project.
Storage Update
Vicky said that they are meeting on Wednesday morning.  Evergreens are now using the grey filing cabinet in the eaves for storage.  The items in the kitchen cupboard belonging to Youth Club have been moved to underneath the sink in the upstairs room.  Andrew to write to Pre-school regarding freeing up space in the Table cupboard. We should hear shortly if we have been allocated funding from the Parish Magazine to support this project.
Hearing Loop
Angelo has sorted out a supplier and this should be fitted in April.
Kate managed to get a grant from the National Lottery of £3558 towards this.  The Committee congratulated and thanked her. Kate will arrange for the floor to be done after the Hall has been decorated. Decision made to use the preferred supplier’s “gold standard” hard sealant at a total cost of £5586
Energy Project
Angelo has contacted Dan again, as has Jes.  If Dan does not come through with the report, Jes has said he will do it.
Bar Area Refurb/Signage
Angelo will liaise with Joy on the Bar and Andrew is still looking at signage.
Sue asked why the resurfacing of the Car Park is not on the list.  Andrew said that the list was generated to drive hall improvements in order to generate additional revenue growth in line with the Strategic Plan and was approved by the committee at January’s meeting. The car park  is reviewed as part of the Health & Safety checks which are done monthly.  The Committee is aware that this is an ongoing consideration.  The car park was patch repaired a few years ago.
Section 106 Funding
The Parish Council has arranged a meeting for Tuesday 15th March and invited all groups in the village who may be interested in accessing this funding. Angelo and Bill will attend.  Vicky suggested the Hall might apply for funding for a Boules pitch.
Kate updated the Covid guidelines and these have been circulated to Hall Users.  Kate thanked Louise for covering the cleaning recently which is much appreciated.
Bookings Update
Jackie has had a request from someone to park for 2 nights in the car park.  They will make a donation and this was agreed. 
Youth Club hope to re-start on 26/4/22.  They will confirm with Jackie tomorrow.
Jubilee Event – Andrew, Hannah, Phil, Jackie and Bill have volunteered to organise this.  Andrew to arrange a meeting.  Anyone who wishes to get involved should contact Andrew.
Fundraising Calendar – Thornbury  Swing Band cannot perform in May.  Andrew to go back to them and suggest 9/7/22 as a possible date. Wotton Wind Band confirmed for October 22nd. Suggested date for Table Top Sale is 8th or 9th October.
Andrew suggested a Christmas Disco, potentially free entry as we would hope to profit from the bar.  To be considered/discussed at a future meeting nearer the time. .
Bill’s report has been distributed and was discussed. The oil tank was filled recently.  Sally said that there have been thefts from oil tanks locally and wondered if our tank had a lock.  Angelo to follow up. Bill thanked Angelo for setting up the Bookings system as this has greatly improved our system.  Sue gave a cheque to Bill from Parish Council for £1000.  She advised that this includes the grant money Louise applied for towards the wildlife garden.
Health & Safety – Chris emailed that he had nothing to report.  Risk register to be updated next month.
Playpark/Skatepark – Kate will give an update of the remaining actions from the 2021 RoSPA report at the next meeting.
Monthly Checks – Angelo’s report showed that water usage was extremely high this month.  The tanks were drained and the system flushed through to enable a new radiator to be fitted. This may account for the high usage.  Andrew asked if oil could be shown in litres, rather than percentage.  The new CCTV camera has been fitted and the invoice submitted.  Angelo has been looking at costs for a water softener as a possible future consideration.
Monthly maintenance
No date set for maintenance team.
Sue gave cheques to Bill from Parish Council which are gratefully received.  She confirmed that the Parish Council will cover the cost of the RoSPA visit.  The grass cutting contract has been awarded to a new contractor.  Chris had asked that additional safety notices be displayed when the grass is being cut.  There is an application from Badminton estate for a new access road, which is ultimately for the creation of a farm shop.  The South Gloucestershire Council Stage 2 Local Plan is coming out and will outline proposed housing to be built in the village.
 Monday 21st March, 8pm – Fiona to send Agenda out tomorrow.
Bill had correspondence which he will put on the Cloud.
Kate will contact Jane with a list of items to be publicised.
Louise advised that the Rural Touring Arts Group is to re-start.  She will liaise with Jane Beeley and let us know what is available.
Fiona asked if the signed Minutes can be stored in the Hall office which was agreed.
Hilary asked what time the heating goes off as WI were cold on Tuesday.  Angelo to follow up.
Vicky said that she has put one first aid box upstairs and one in the kitchen.  There are signs advising this.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.30pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 11th April at 8pm. 

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