Feb 21 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Agenda for Village Hall Committee Meeting on Monday 8th February 2021
  1. Review of current Covid-19 situation
  2. Finance including any further comments / feedback in business plan 
  3. Feedback from questionnaire exercise
  4. Parish Council feedback
  5. Succession Planning - update
  6. Maintenance list - skatepark damage, heating system programme, graffiti
  7. Health and safety considerations
  8. AOB

Hawkesbury Village Hall
Minutes of Committee Meeting
8th February 2021
Held online, via Zoom
Present – Chris Rispin    Sue Hope    Bill Cullen     Neil Fozard    Phil Dennett    Fiona Steeds  
Angelo Sauro   Jackie Sandy   Sam Allen   Kate Bashford   Amy Barnfield   Jane Stanbridge
Steve Macgrath   Louise Roberts   Sally Roberts  Andrew Webb  Jon Simmons  Neil Adams
Karen Bexter
Apologies –   Mandy Clark  Hilary Rogers
Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
Andrew Webb was co-opted as a Committee Member.  This was proposed by Kate Bashford and seconded by Bill Cullen.
Kate drew everyone’s attention to our GDPR Policy and asked that we read it and let her know if there are any questions.
Review of current Covid-19 situation
The Hall is still only being used by Pre-school from Tuesday to Friday.  They are still in the upstairs room.  This situation is unlikely to change until lockdown is lifted.
Bill’s report had not yet been distributed.  Bill said that our current balance is £24,751 which included £6,000 in grants from South Glos Council for the current lockdown. The Skatepark A/C has a balance of £5326.  Their Insurance is due on 22/2.   Bill and Emma Edwards are still working on updating the new accounting system.  Phil asked if we had been paid by the Textile Bank people.  This has not been done and Phil will follow up with them.  We have received a grant from the Parish Council for £1170.  Kate thanked Sue for this.  Neil collected £3.30 from the car park.
Feedback from Questionnaire Exercise
Jane reported that 88 online responses have been received so far.  Closing date for paper results is 25/2.  Once all are received we will be able to analyse the results.  Jane has posted a reminder on social media and will do so again.  Kate thanked Jane and Jackie for getting this done so quickly and efficiently.
Parish Council Feedback
Sue confirmed the grant from Parish Council and said it is hoped that it will help towards our energy review costs. 
Succession Planning
Nothing to add.
Angelo has created a spreadsheet to bring together the various monthly readings and checks.  Andrew Warner has sent the readings to him. The boiler has been serviced and baffles replaced.  A new cabinet has been sited in the porch area for notices to be displayed.  Kate asked that no notices be put on the Hall doors from now on.  The key for the cabinet is in the kitchen cupboard.  Amy said Pre-school passed on their thanks for the new cabinet.  Angelo has reviewed the CCTV positioning and the cameras need to be re-positioned slightly to be more effective.  The camera at the main entrance was being hampered by weather conditions and Angelo has bought a protective cover for it.
Angelo met with Jez Rutter to begin the Energy Review process.  It will include probes to monitor the temperatures, thermal imaging and a thorough check of cavity insulation.  It appears that the radiators may not be good enough and we need to have a more flexible programming system. Sue said that Grants will be available for green energy projects going forward.  Bill will let Jez have the oil deliveries for the past 3 years.
John Day has not repaired the Skatepark – Angelo to follow up.
Louise said that she had asked on Facebook for families to help repaint the graffiti.  No one has actually come forward to help.  She suggested asking the boys who broke the window to do this and Kate will contact them if necessary.  Neil didn’t think Youth Club would be able to help whilst they are closed. Louise to continue to try and find a solution.
Health & Safety Considerations
Jackie’s daughter, Emma, has completed her review which she will send to Kate and was happy that everything is in place.  Kate asked Jackie to thank Emma for her help.
Chris will liaise with Martin Gardener regarding the monthly walk round.
Chris said that the Police had been out regarding suspected drug dealing in the car park.  A suspect on a scooter was pursued but not apprehended.  We were asked to look out for a silver scooter in the village – Reg Number WD55 DFP – and to phone 101 if we see it.
Any Other Business
Andrew asked if there was a Committee contact list including phone numbers.  Fiona to organise this and distribute.
Louise reported that Badapple Theatre still hope to perform at the Hall in May.
Jane asked if there was anything for inclusion in the Parish Magazine.  Chris to send her his Annual Report for submission.
Karen Bexter said she would arrange a date for the Christmas Shopping Evening and book it in with Jackie.
Kate said she will follow up with the non-Committee people who attended the AGM and ask if they are interested in getting involved with the Hall.
Sam said that Drama plan to do a fundraising event for the Hall this year which was welcomed.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.05pm.
The date of the next meeting will be 8th of March at 7.45pm.
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