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Monthly hall meeting 9th November 2020 – Agenda
  1. Review of current Covid-19 situation including the playpark
  2. Playpark Feedback on maintenance items
  3. Finance including Utility update
  4. Parish Council feedback
  5. Succession Planning including references to the Parish Council
  6. Maintenance list and skatepark damage, including CCTV
  7. Health and safety considerations
  8. AOB
Zoom invite below
Topic: Village Hall Monthly Zoom
Time: Nov 9, 2020 07:45 PM London
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Meeting ID: 823 6645 7159
Passcode: 093430

Hawkesbury Village Hall
Minutes of Committee Meeting
9th November 2020
Held online, via Zoom
Present – Chris Rispin    Sue Hope    Bill Cullen     Neil Fozard   Louise Roberts    Phil Dennett  
Jane Stanbridge     Fiona Steeds    Angelo Sauro   Steve Macgrath   Jackie Sandy   Sam Allen
Kate Bashford   Amy Barnfield   Sally Roberts
Apologies – Karen Bexter
Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
The meeting started with a tribute to Martin Horner and Danny Blakeney who both recently passed away.  Martin was a serving Hall Committee member and Bill Cullen spoke about the  commitment and support he had given throughout his time on the Committee.  Angelo had served on the Committee with Danny and said he was a stalwart member of the community in general, having served on the Hall and Show Committees and Parish Council.  Sue and Sam shared their memories as well.  They will both be greatly missed.
Review of current Covid-19 situation including the Playpark
The Hall is now closed again until further notice, with the exception of Pre-school.  The Playpark is still open and being used by groups of children, not always supervised.  Kate will ask the School to remind pupils that they must stay in their bubbles and respect social distancing in the Playpark.
Pre-school are leaving their equipment out overnight which means Ange cannot clean the whole floor but they have been advised that this will be their responsibility.  Amy assured the Committee that Pre-school staff are strictly adhering to the guidelines.  A Fire Extinguisher check is being carried out this week (afternoon) and Kate will let Pre-school know of this.
Playpark feedback on Maintenance Items
The contactor has admitted that they did not use the correct paint.  Chris has told them it must be re-done.   The issue with finger traps is ongoing.  The Skatepark has been grafittied and work to seal up the panel has not been done.  Steve reported that after Bonfire night there were fireworks, empty alcohol bottles and other debris.  Kate has sent photos of the graffiti to the PCSO.  Louise  suggested that we ask a skilled graffiti artist to cover it up which might deter further vandalism.  Louise is contacting local school Art Depts.  Steve asked if we can fill up the space underneath the slope but it is hoped that if John Day repairs it that should stop any access.  Angelo to remind him.  Kate & Angelo are reviewing feasibility of CCTV this week.
Finance including Utility update
Bill’s report was distributed and discussed.  We are in the process of changing our electricity supply to Utility Aid.  Utility Warehouse will continue to supply Internet and landline.  Angelo will give the final meter reading to UW.
Parish Council Feedback
Nothing to report but a delegation from the Hall Committee are meeting with PC to discuss options going forward.  They will report back at the next meeting.
Succession Planning
Jane has put the information on Facebook and it will go in December Parish Mag.  No reponses so far. Angelo suggested co-opting new members and Sue thought we could have a revolving Chair.  However Chris felt that the main problem is finding someone to take on planning and co-ordination of the Hall and being on call in emergencies.  Jane suggested approaching someone with management experience who has recently retired.  Several names were put forward.  Kate is also trying to persuade some ex-PTA members to come on board.  A part-time Caretaker still seems like a good option, finances allowing, which would provide an emergency contact.
Maintenance List
Sam said that Drama will clear the stage but cannot do so until covid regulations allow several people to work together to do it.  She offered the tall ladder to the Committee to help with cleaning.  Chris asked anyone who can help with the jobs to contact him so that he can arrange access/materials.  Amy asked if Pre-school can clear the strip of land next to the shed to make an outdoor learning space. Angelo will let her know where the boundary is.
There is a problem with Suez not returning the bin to the rear of the car park.  Bill will speak to them.  We are also getting a new Textiles Collection Bin which could provide us with up to £500 per annum income.  Louise will design the artwork for it which clearly shows that funds raised go to the Village Hall.  Once we have that Phil will proceed with the contract. We need to be careful where it is sited to avoid upsetting the neighbours.
Health & Safety Considerations
Letter from Amazon Smile confirming that Angelo has set up an account which will give the Hall a percentage of purchases. 
Any Other Business
Louise asked if she could have a water butt for the wildlife garden.  She will try to source one.
Neil is awaiting delivery of 130 saplings to put in boundary hedge.
Angelo reported that the Bonfire Committee are considering giving us a donation.  They have also suggested holding a summer Bonfire Party with the Hall running the bar.
Sue asked if the Hall Christmas Lights will go up.  Steve confirmed that Andrew Warner has this in hand – it will coincide with the Tree on the Plain being lit up.  Louise asked if Sue could make sure the entry in the Parish mag specifies “Lee’s Lights”.  Parish Council are encouraging people to join in a mass switch on of lights in their own homes.
Louise said that she has arranged for blue hearts to be available to be sponsored and hung in the wildlife garden.  This is supporting a charity for bereaved children.
Sue encouraged everyone to read the ACRE report if they have the opportunity.
Jane is working on a grant application to Wessex Water – she will liaise with Kate.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 21.10pm.
Date of next meeting 14/12/20 – Christmas attire recommended.
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