May 15 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 11
th May 2015

Bryan Robinson Angelo Sauro Steve Magrath Pat Sherry Pete and Sue Webb Sam Allen Chris Rispin Bill Cullen Martin Horner
1. Apologies for Absence

Kate Bashford Neil Fozard Lorraine Rutter Sue Hope Hilary Rogers Fiona Steeds Debbie Young
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting Were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair

3. Projects
 Front Wall Completed and grant available for both wall and a contribution towards the tree maintenance as this could influence the wall if not attended to. BC has paid the invoice for the wall, but the grant cannot be claimed until the work on the trees has been completed
 Kitchen – Meeting has taken place to discuss draft plans with flow of use and various pieces of equipment which had been produced by BR. The group has taken advice of numerous parties including the Health and Hygiene officer from South Gloucestershire. Now KB will obtain quotations. BC reported that the VAT could not be reclaimed
 Redecoration of Upstairs Meeting Room – Evergreens confirmed that they use the cupboard in the meeting room, but all their meetings are downstairs. It was suggested that this could be moved downstairs to the chair store, when some of the chairs are moved to the shed, together with some other stuff from the eaves store cupboard. This should free up sufficient space for the Buffs’ equipment to be moved in there. Youth Club are to provide some colour schemes, having already provided an equipment schedule. There is a grant available of £715, but the costs proposed exceed this. The situation will be reviewed once DY has produced the full scheme
 CCTV – Pre-school have asked for one of the CCTV cameras to face their outside play area, this will be considered once a suitable camera has been found - AS

4. Finance Report BC produced the monthly statement and advised that £1300 debited back to the account from Silvey and Monthly payment reduced to £200 There has been a disproportionate expenditure this month, but this will be corrected over coming months BC has chased some outstanding monies with some success Enough money to buy a new bin – Agreed it would be Black with anchor Fiona had advised that she had chased Car park fees for Beaufort House and School, nothing heard from from Beaufort House, but KB advised school say no parking required

Parish Council Report
2 new Councillors have volunteered for the Council with two having stood down - election to certain roles will take place shortly and this may affect BR’s position.
 Deed document still outstanding

5. Income
 Bookings - Various bookings in May and June but limited over the summer, which is usual, but currently no show booking CR will advise the Show Secretary
 Bar requirements noted AS

6. Maintenance
 Meter Readings – signed log
 Maintenance List A number of items had been completed during the recent working party day and it was agreed a further work party day would be 13
th June – meet at 10.00am CR will circulate jobs so individuals can bring appropriate tools.
 Bin Clearing rota organized by Dave Anderson
 Trees are to be pruned on the 18
th May. It is not anticipated that there should be any issues for Users as the arboriculturists will undertake their own Risk Assessment

7. Play Area/Skatepark Report
There had been a meeting of the Committee and they had discussed the possibility of getting some New equipment SM
A Hall Representative is required for the committee and KB is circularizing the parents at school

8. Risk Assessment
 Health & Safety Issues – none considered for discussion other than minuted
 Risk Assessment Report – BR and DA had added some comments and additional items. CR will rework and circulate for further comments
 Deed Document and Title Plans - ongoing
 Signage –local signs required for notice on use of the filed by dog owners. CR will produce and find someone to laminate
 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells – Checks undertaken and complete

9. Correspondence None other than discussed

10. AOB BC needs some help on the Asset Balance, suggested Peter Setterfield Black bags required for Hall AS, subsequent to this more bags have now arrived AS/NF will look at shelving in boiler room Sound system worked well, but need a sound expert to organize. Training required. Ladies Toilet light does not stay on long enough, this will be added to the maintenance list

11. Date of Next Meeting
 The date of the next meeting will be 8
th June at 7.45pm
 There being no further business the meeting closed at 9pm

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