Feb 16 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 8th February 2016
Angelo Sauro    Chris Rispin       Martin Horner     Fiona Steeds        Bill Cullen  
Kate Bashford     Pete Webb    Hilary Rogers    Mark Frankcom      Sam Allen
Pat Sherry   Neil Fozard   Andy Musty  Dave Anderson
Apologies for Absence
Lorraine Rutter   Jane Stanbridge    Sam Allen    Steve Magrath     Mandy Clark
Louise Roberts    Sue Webb     Sue Hope
Minutes of the Last Meeting
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Chris Rispin was re-elected as Chairman, proposed by Angelo Sauro and seconded by  Kate Bashford.  Chris said this would be his last year as Chairman.
  • Kitchen – Kate presented the final plans and costing from Martin which is £19264.09 + VAT.  A grant of £250 was received from the Parish Council.  Angelo proposed that we include new sinks and this was agreed by all if the cost can be under £500.  Angelo had an offer of £200 for the old dishwasher.  Kate to go back to Martin with this and also clarify finishes in changing rooms once vent boxing is removed.  The Committee unanimously approved the project.   Fiona to email Lorraine re booking on Easter Sunday.  Drama and Badminton asked if they can use the Hall during the works which should be ok.  Buffs will use upstairs room.
  • Upstairs Room – Mark advised that work has started on the room.  Phil Baldwin who is a painter & decorator has offered to help.  Mark is concerned that flooring will be expensive but may have a contact.  Andy suggested using Amtico which is expensive but we could lay ourselves.
  • Pre-School – The proposal for a new annexe was discussed.  The Committee would like to see plans for both a separate building and integrated annexe.  We would consider a revamp of toilets and changing room areas if necessary.  There is a concern that we will lose the kitchen window at the rear of the building.  Kate to liaise with Pre-school.  Heating system is also a concern.
Finance Report
  • Bill went through his report, which was discussed. 
  • Parish Council Report
Andy confirmed that Parish Council have awarded us a £250 grant.  PC have requested that the fence & sign which blew down be re-instated.  Neil offered to do this.  Andy has spoken to Greg about re-designing the Hall sign on the end of the building.  Mark suggested we take into account the design of the “Plain” and “Pound” signs which Parish Council had done previously.  Sally Bleaken’s “Rock on the Rec” fundraising proposal was discussed.  The Committee felt that this would require a big outlay and a lot of organisation  with no guarantee of profit as it is the sort of event which builds over time.  The preferred option is for two smaller events – in the Hall and possibly after Show Day in the marquee.  Any profit from this could possibly fund a future bigger event. The Committee is grateful for Sally’s help.  Andy asked that the Hall Calendar be updated.  Fiona to contact Lorraine.  Parish Council asked if there would be a charge for holding the Save the Shop meetings.  Bill said this has been invoiced.
  • Hall Breakfast
Several Committee members volunteered to help on the day.  More help is welcomed if people are available.  Chris has done posters.  Fiona and Chris will get the supplies.  Details to be finalised at the next meeting.
  • Meter Readings – Chris did these.
Play Area/Skatepark Report
  • Bill advised Dave about his concerns that there is only enough money to cover two years Insurance on the Skatepark at present.  Dave said they will look at fundraising/grants.  They are also trying to recruit more parents to the Committee.  Chris asked the the signage be re-erected as a matter of urgence due to Health & Safety concerns.  Dave to liaise with Neil who may be able to help with this.
Risk Assessment
  • Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells – checks done by Chris.
  • Email from WI asking to a contribution towards having the piano retuned.  We will pay 50% of costs.  Andy to pass on details of a piano tuner to Hilary.
  • Kate advised that we must include Lottery logo on all documentation and on website.  She will email logo so that we can update everything.
  • Chris has designed a sheet to go in Parish mag each month showing what is going on in the Hall and with contact details.  The Committee approved this.
  • Sam asked if we would waive the cutlery hire fee at the Drama Murder Mystery as they will use the money to pay for a new understage trolley which we would normally have paid for.  This was agreed.
  • Angelo has been contacted by SGC regarding street lights in the car park.   The bulbs need replacing and the cost is between £352 and £2000 depending on which system we choose.  The Committee felt we might be able to get this done cheaper by using our own electrician.  Angelo to follow up.  Kate to ask Martin for details of a certified electrician as we need one.
Date of Next Meeting
  • The date of the next meeting will be 14th March 2016 at 7.45pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.10pm
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