Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Mar 10

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2010 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8th March 2010

Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds John Otley Terry Gardener Pat Sherry
Neil Fozard Chris Rispin Pete Webb Sue Webb

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Mick Bendeaux, Hilary Rogers, Sam Allen

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
– ongoing.
Electrical check – completed. Steve Watts is looking at extractor fans and MB will check excess payable before putting in insurance claim. NF suggested a guard be fitted on new one to avoid repeat damage.
Energy update – Open Day went ahead but wasn’t particularly well attended. A few concerns were raised regarding situation of wind turbine (loss of view, noise). Hopefully these have been addressed, as the support of the Village is needed if planning consent is to be achieved. The Presentations and Q&A sessions are available to view on line.
Sports Equipment – the school would like to have the sports equipment. AS to arrange.
Chair Cleaning – AS to give Chris Webster dates when we can do without chairs and he will take them in batches of around 20 for cleaning.
Gate – ongoing. The dilemma is that if we weld it shut it could be a problem in a case of emergency.
Shed – ongoing.
Photocopier – nobody wants it, so it will have to be disposed of.
Tree Shredding – done.
Chairmen’s Meeting – went well and there is now a “village calendar” on the Hall and Village websites.
Crockery – AS has checked with Cricket Club – awaiting response from MG.
Front Wall – Tim Watts will look at the wall.
Sue Hewer – MB has sent flowers and card.

4. Treasurer’s Report
No report this month. However, a report will be distributed with these Minutes.
MB has arranged quotes for new floor in bar servery (this was a requirement of the EHO inspection). Cost will be £380 and Parish Council have given a grant of £150 towards this. TG arranging for tradesmen to come at a convenient time.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all ok. TG has fitted screw to bracket near stage.
Fire Blanket at back of stage is missing.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 222383; Oil 7”; Water 672/361
Urgent order for oil has been placed. There was concern that the oil level had dropped dramatically and that it may have been siphoned off. AS will check with MB if we are regularly topped up and look at possibility of getting a locking cap on tank.

6. Playground Check
CR carried out checks. Baby swing seats need replacing (MB). CR has contacted SMP Playgrounds regarding climbing frame. NF will grease the gate and swings and sort out moss problem on roof. NF advised that the bin at the bottom of the rec needs replacing and suggested it be replaced with another big, round bin.
Site of bonfire needs re-seeding. AS to remind Tom Cole when weather improves.

7. Correspondence
Email from Louise Roberts regarding Sport Relief event to be held on rec on Friday 19 March from 3.30-5pm. Access to toilets via rear door will be required. This was agreed.

8. Any Other Business
John & Sally Bleaken have offered a picnic bench which was gratefully received and will be sited in playground area.

WI enquired as to whether the piano is working, as it is thought some of the keys are jammed. TG advised that it was ok in January. WI to ask Pauline Setterfield to have a look and let us know if it needs tuning. It may not be worth repairing as it is rarely used.

CR reported that the outside light doesn’t stay on long enough when approaching Hall from the High Street. AS to check.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 April 2010 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2035hrs.

Hawkesbury Hospital Hall

Treasurers Report

Jan & Feb 2010







Boiler maintenance




Hoover hose



History Group

Water rates




Steve Blakeney



Claire Cole

NCVO subscription

Pre school


Care Forum





Parish Grant

Steve Watts

re bar flooring

Performing Rights

Encraft re Energy Group





Improvement Fund



Setting up



Soup kitchen



Current account


Improvement Fund

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