Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Committee Report 2012

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Hawkesbury Upton Hall Committee

Report for the year 2012

I would like to again thank the committee for their dedication and work over the past year.Taking into account the current economic climate we are in, I think the Hall has managed to do well to retain all the standard hirers and maintain a good level of income and still at very reasonable & competitive hire charges.
We have not been as busy this year with private hires for functions and bars and even had to cancel our own Fun Day in the summer due to bad weather. However one successful fundraiser that was held in the autumn, the Motorcycle event, did raise a very good income that managed to cover the lack of functions earlier in the year.In March we had another successful Breakfast fundraiser and all monies added to the Hall Improvements fund. The Drama group were successful in obtaining a grant to help pay for some new stage curtains, further fundraising still required for new tabs and lighting.
This year we produced a wish list of larger tasks that are required to be achieved over the medium term and these were added to the wish list over the year and are listed below:Crockery; Lee’s Lights; Playground repairs; New Kitchen; bench for playground; Stage Curtains, Stage Curtain Tabs, Stage Lighting; Resurface Car Park.
Of these tasks we completed the purchase of 120 place setting of crockery, Christmas Lights now managed by the Hall and paid for by the Parish magazine, Playground repairs completed & Stage Curtains purchased leaving the ongoing list as: Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Stage LightingLooking forward to the coming year, again we continue to search for grants to help our funding raising alongside our own fundraising activities. Hopefully these efforts will enable us to complete many of the items on our wish list as well as the general day to day Hall maintenance requirements.

Treasurer's summary report below provided by Mick Bendeaux.
The letting fee income was about £1,000 lower this year but still continues to cover the majority of our everyday running costs. Fortunately the bar was much more productive giving a net profit of around £4,400 more than 2010. Our Fundraising in 2011 was limited to just our usual Big Breakfast and an appearance from Soul Station raising £739 in total. During the year we were forced to replace our water cylinder at a total cost of £1,368. However the Parish Council made us a donation of £1,000 towards these costs. Other major one-off expenses included the purchase of special crockery and cutlery totalling over £1,500 which will incur extra hiring costs over and above the usual hire fees. We also paid £270 for the cupboard in which to store them. Other items included a gazebo £145, metal tables £252, replacement payphone £226 and another rubbish bin for the field £262. At the end of the year our Bank balance showed an increase of over £2,000.

Thanks again to everyone.
Angelo Sauro, Mick Bendeaux & Fiona Steeds
Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary

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