Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Oct 08

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2008 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 13th October 2008

Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Sue Webb John Otley Gill Oliver
Pat Sherry Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Neil Fozard

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Chris Edwards, Pete Webb, Sara White and Hilary Rogers.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

Checklist - ongoing
Playground bin - ongoing.
Car Park Entrance - Work has been completed.
Hall Boundary Line - No further word from Sue Hope re Planning Officer visit. AS to follow up.
Ballet Barre - MB has advised Ballet that they can go ahead with siting more barres.
Cigarette Bin - GO kindly offered to donate a bin which she has to the Hall.
Oil Tank - Filler Cap has been replaced.
Downpipe Brackets - ongoing. AS to speak to Tom Cole.
Kitchen Revamp - ongoing as funding not yet available.
Building Work - MB confirmed that the Main Hall will be shut from 25-31 October to allow work on the Drama storage area to be carried out.
Fundraiser - Drama will provide filled rolls for sale on the night. Lighting has been requested. MB will speak to Alan Hemingway. Bar staff required.
Energy Group - This event was very successful with good attendance and a lot of positive feedback. The Hall and School will now be the main focus of the Energy Group and AS reported that there is a possibility of 100% grants on some schemes.

4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report was distributed. MB pointed out that last month's current account balance was incorrect and has been rectified on October's balance sheet (attached).

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
CE reported via email that batteries had been removed from the smoke alarm in the foyer but have now been replaced.

6. Playground Check
Nothing to report.

7. Meter Readings
As per email from CE : Water 401.794; Electricity 205510; Oil Tank 10.5 inches from top of sight tube.

8. Correspondence
Letter from Canon Security regarding quote for CCTV. Their minimum price was in excess of £1800.00 which Committee felt could not be justified.

Letter from the Dept of Health launching a "Change for Life" initiative which they want to involve communities in. AS will have a look at the website.

9. Any Other Business
AS has been in touch with Leyhill Prison regarding possibility of them decorating Hall. They have done a good job in Horton and their charges are low. We would provide the materials. As they are busy at present AS will follow up at the end of the month and a supervisor will come out to assess our situation.

TG has been contacted by a KLB 6th former who is setting up a DJ-ing business as part of his course work. He wants to book the Hall on 8 dates to hold discos for 15-18 year olds. There is no provision for supervision/security and, based on previous experience, the Committee was unanimously against this.

PS advised that HURG want to hold a Christmas Tree shredding event in the car park on 10th January. The kitchen will be used to serve refreshments. No objections.

JO advised that Parish Council want to "adopt" the phone kiosk at Orange End as BT want to remove it. In order to do this they need an Electricity A/C and would like to use the Hall's. They would re-imburse the charges to us. This was agreed.

JO also requested that the Calor "Village of the Year" certificates be displayed in the foyer of the Hall.

CE reported that the cleaner had found the skylight in the ladies toilets open following PTA event. TG asked if we knew what had happened but SW has contacted the organisers who were unaware of it.

TG reported that the Thursday night Badminton group had stayed until 11pm (should be 10pm). We are happy for them to do that if they let us know in advance and pay for their session. AS to find out who is responsible and advise FE if letter to be sent.

TG requested that a notice be put in the Parish Mag reminding people that they can check Hall availability on website prior to making a booking. AS to arrange with VR.

NF asked that link to Hall website be included in emails. FE to include.

10. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 10th November 2008 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2035 hrs.

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