Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Feb 10

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2010 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8th February 2010

Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds Mick Bendeaux John Otley Terry Gardener Pat Sherry Neil Fozard Sam Allen Chris Rispin Gill Oliver
Sara White Pete Webb Sue Webb

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Hilary Rogers

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

Angelo Sauro was proposed as Chair by John Otley and seconded by Neil Fozard.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
– ongoing.
Electrical check - ongoing
Energy update – Village Open Day arranged for 27 Feb. There will be two Presentations and Q&A sessions. Breakfast Rolls and Refreshments to be served.
Sports Equipment – ongoing. AS to sort.
Chair Cleaning – still no dates from Chris Webster but he has said they will not repair chairs.
Gate – ongoing.
Shed – ongoing.
Photocopier – has been advertised in Parish mag.
Tree Shredding – still not been done.
WI Book Box – now in situ in chair store.
Boiler – this has been serviced.
Chairmen’s Meeting – will be held directly after this meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report
No report this month.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all ok. TG will fit screw to bracket near stage.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 222167; Oil 32”
AS supplied Water reading: 666,717

6. Playground Check
TG carried out checks. No major problems to report.

7. Correspondence
Invitation to “Exhibition of Supplies and Services for Village & Community Halls” received, to be held in Shipham (North Somerset) on 16 March. Due to location, it is unlikely we will attend.

8. Any Other Business

MB reported that the Insurance cover has been renewed for 3 years which entitled us to a good discount. However Show Committee will have to insure separately for their Bonfire.

GO said that although she is happy to continue to do the gardening on the recreation ground, she is no longer prepared to cut the hedge. She offered to forego her payment so that this can be given to whoever does the hedge. The Committee thanked her for this.

SA reported that there is a lack of hot water in the ladies toilets on occasion. AS to check.

TG reported that there is a lack of crockery in the kitchen. 40 of everything is missing which suggests someone has borrowed it and not returned it. AS to check with Cricket Club in case it has accidentally been stored in the pavilion.

Steve Watts quote to repair Extractor Fans which have been broken by footballers is around £1,000. MB to find out if this is covered by Insurance.
SW has repaired switch on field and outside lights.

CR has noticed damage to boundary walls due to frost etc. AS to check if a grant is available to repair this. Potholes in car park also need repairing.

Sue Hewer is ill and will be unable to work for some time. Julie Blackwell has kindly agreed to cover for her until she recovers. MB to send flowers and a card from the Committee.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8 March 2010 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030hrs.

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