Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Committee Report 2010

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Hawkesbury Upton Hall Committee
Report for the year 2010
I would like to thank the committee for their dedication and hard work over the past year. This year has been a reasonably busy year with the continuation of all our standard hires, but not as many private hires with bars this year, although we did manage to put together a few of our own fundraisers that enabled some outstanding work on the Hall to be completed.
February saw the Energy group hold an Open Energy Day to try and explain the outcome of the Project Development Study and the suggested options for the Hall. The Energy Group will be kicking off discussions around options again this year.
In June we saw another very successful and enjoyable Breakfast fundraiser, look out for another this year.
In August we held a Picnic on the Rec. that catered for all age groups and turned out to be a great family fun day that we will be repeating again this year.
Another success last year was the re-introduction of Bonfire Night and this was again very well supported and enjoyed by all ages, will definitely be repeated again this year.
We have secured a Hall Laptop via a refurbishment scheme that Lance Dowty’s company initiated for small charitable groups like ours; thanks go to him for getting our application in.
Only one out of three small project were completed this year, the bar flooring and cupboards, hopefully other works will get completed this year.

Thanks go to Terry Gardener as outgoing Booking Secretary and welcome to Lorrain Rutter who will take over from Terry.

Looking forward to the coming year, again we continue to search for grants to help our funding, as well as our own fundraising activities. Hopefully these fundraising activities will enable us to complete many of the pieces of work we have already started or have planned as well as the general day to day Hall maintenance.

Treasurer’s summary report below
Year ending December 2010.

I am pleased to report on another successful year where the income from lettings, bar functions and other sources was enough to cover our basic Hall running expenses. This is particularly satisfactory in a period of rising costs, especially oil and electricity. Our Bank balance has dropped during the year by about £1,500 but we have suffered some one-off expenses over and above the normal running costs. The main one was the supply and fitting of new cupboards and flooring in the bar area which came to almost £1,400. We also installed new seats to the swings, purchased a supply of crockery and replaced the hand-dryer in the Ladies toilet.
We held 3 fundraisers during the year, our usual Big Breakfast, a Tabletop Sale and a new summer function, the Fun Day. These raised around £1,400.
We have a number of fund-raisers lined up for this year so again I will be proposing that the hire rates remain as they are. We are still hoping to raise funds so that we can erect a canopy above the disabled access ramp and we are also aware that it is time that the kitchen is updated.

Thanks again to everyone.Angelo Sauro, Mick Bendeaux & Fiona Steeds
Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary

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